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Do you have a question or idea?
Would you like to book a lesson/
work together/hire me?

Don't hesitate to contact me!

zwart Marmer


Here you can find all the projects I am (or have been) working on. 
Sign up and stay up-to-date!

Bedankt voor het abonneren!

Schermafbeelding 2021-06-08 om 18.57.28.

April 2021

A Passion Project -2019 Grad Showcase

On the 11th of April the 2019 grad Showcase from "A Passion Project' premiered. I was honoured to represent myself as one of the RCS Graduates with the song 'Lost in the Brass'. The timecode for my song is: 30:18

Schermafbeelding 2020-08-14 om 22.41.04.

June 2020

Upload Virtual Festival

James Dawoud and I worked together on the duet "Suddenly Seymour" as part of the "Upload Virtual Festival" during the Corona Virus lockdown.Our song was part of a Musical Theatre set put together by the wonderful MD abd RCS Alumni Joe Clayton.

Schermafbeelding 2020-08-14 om 22.40.38.

June 2020

"Someone" by Filip Holacky

The amazing Filip Holacky (Bmus Alumni, RCS) asked me to sing a demo for his new song. This was really exciting and terrifying! This was my first time working on new music and even though its a demo and it might change completely, it was an amazing project to be part off!

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Zomer 2022

Happily Ever After

This summer I'm performing my solo cabaret at Theatercafé Muze and at the 

Sonsbeek Theater Avenue in Arnhem!
(25/26/27/28 of August!)


Schermafbeelding 2022-08-22 om 14.26.29.png

April 2022

21 day Selftape Challenge

Through the  'Acting Habit' I joined the 21 day Selftape Challenge, a monologue for each day!

I've also joined 'SingSpace' and 

finished their 12 week Singing 

Challenge. A new song each week. 

Check out my Instagram!

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Oktober 2021

Klassiekersop  Klad

Klassiekers op Klad is een theaterlaboratorium ontwikkeld door artistiek directeur Robin Elstak waar er in korte tijd kennis wordt gemaakt met (nieuwe) schrijvers, makers en acteurs en de kladversie van een nieuwe productie aan het publiek wordt gepresenteerd.


Ik was onderdeel van een prachtige muzikale bewerking van Orfeo & Euridice, van Aron Elstak.

©2023 Maaike Hillen.

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